When’s The Best Time To Start A Health Coach Blog

Nutritionist working on her health coach blog

I’m sure you’ve heard all the hype about what a health coach blog can do to help you grow your business, but you’re probably wondering…

  • Am I ready for a health coach blog?

  • Should I start a blog now or later?

  • Are my ideal clients even reading blogs anymore?

And I get it! You want to put your energy into business strategies that give you an edge and the best return-on-investment. 

Why waste time and energy on blogging if it won’t actually move the needle and help grow your business?

But I promise you that blogging is not a waste of time!

Blogging offers an amazing opportunity for you to connect with your audience, establish yourself as an expert, and attract new clients!

So, when’s the best time to start a health coach blog? Right now! Let’s dive into a few things you should consider when starting a health coach blog.

Inside the ‘Getting Clients’ module of my online course, Launch Your Nutrition Biz, I’ll teach you exactly how to write blog posts that get you listed first on Google and bring new clients to your website every day! 


Are You Ready For A Health Coach Blog?

While I do believe that now is the best time to start a health coach blog, it’s still important to assess your readiness.

Some questions to ask yourself before starting your blog include:

  • Do you have a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in your niche?

  • Are you able to provide valuable insights and guidance to your audience?

  • Do you have the time to devote to a consistent blogging schedule?

Blogging isn’t quite as easy as putting a few hundred words together and hitting ‘publish'.

You’ll want to make sure that you know enough about your niche to be able to write high-value, educational blog posts that help your ideal client solve a problem!

Recipes are great to have on your holistic nutritionist blog, but lengthy blog posts that provide a ton of valuable content are even better!

It’s also important to make sure you have the capacity to maintain a regular blogging schedule. 

Even committing to one blog post per month can make a big impact on your business goals! But if you don’t have the bandwidth to commit to somewhat of a schedule, then blogging may be a marketing strategy to come back to another time. 

If you are ready to start your blogging journey right now, then you’ll want to build a strong foundation for your blog.

Some things you can do to set up your blog foundation include:

  • Identify your ideal client and understand their needs

  • Check to see if your website platform offers a blogging option, and check out different platforms if it does not (I personally use and love Squarespace for blogging)

  • Create a content calendar to plan out your blog posts and help you stay consistent

While blogging is an amazing marketing strategy for your health coaching business, it does take time and effort. Making sure you have a plan and a solid foundation will help you get ready to start your blogging journey.

How To Know What Your Dream Clients Want To Read

To figure out what your dream clients want to read, and get the most out of your holistic nutrition blog, it’s important to know who your ideal client is and what their needs and pain points are.

Here are a few tips for how to understand your audience:

  • Create an Ideal Client Profile: Write down exactly who your ideal client is including demographics, their lifestyle, their challenges and goals.

  • Understand Their Pain Points: Determine your ideal client’s biggest health frustrations, challenges or pain points.

  • Identify Their Main Goal: Determine the transformation your ideal client wants to have on their health journey.

Once you have a clear picture of your ideal client, their pain points, and their desired transformation, you can research popular blog topics within your niche.

Look for trends, recurring themes, and frequently asked questions in the health and wellness space to help you come up with some topics.

You can also check out what other holistic nutrition bloggers are writing about for inspiration!

If you want to get more specific in your research, try reaching out to your social media audience and ask them what topics they want to know more about!

This research will give you a good idea of what type of content is in most demand.

Finally, you’ll want to tailor these topics to your specific niche and create blog content that targets the pain points and desired transformation of your ideal client.

Understanding who your ideal client is, what they're struggling with, and how they want to feel will help you create content that directly addresses their unique challenges.

This will ultimately help attract, engage, and convert them into paying clients!

Image of a nutritionist health coach blog work station with a notebook and pen, computer, coffee cup, and flowers

What If I’m Not A ‘Good Writer’

It’s a common misconception among health coaches and other professionals in the health and wellness space that you need to be a ‘good writer’ to have a successful health coach blog. 

Many health coaches worry that, because they aren’t skilled at writing, their blog is just going to flop and be a waste of time. 

However, what matters more than writing style is your ability to communicate your knowledge and passion for your niche in a way that resonates with your audience! 

Get personal and use everyday language to convey your message, and let them know that you understand what they’re going through and that you have the perfect solution for them. 

If you’re not naturally gifted at writing, don’t worry! 

Here are a few ways to improve your writing skills and overcome your fears: 

  • Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you write, the better writer and the more confident you’ll become.

  • Ask For Reviews: Have family, friends, and colleagues review your blog posts before you hit publish and provide constructive criticism.

  • Get Help: Consider hiring a writing coach to help you refine your skills and polish your writing. You can also use a free service like Grammarly to help you edit and refine your writing.

  • Delegate: If you truly can’t picture yourself writing, and you have the budget, consider hiring a copywriter or virtual assistant to write your blog posts for you.

Remember that your goal with blogging isn’t to become a full-time blogger. The focus should be on using your blog to sign new clients! 

By putting energy into creating valuable content that meets the needs of your ideal client, instead of being a ‘good writer’, blogging can be an effective marketing strategy in your business toolkit.

Inside my online course, Launch Your Nutrition Biz, I provide you with the tools you need to make blog writing easier than you think! 

With a step-by-step recording to follow, you’ll be able to research, write, optimize, post, and market your blog posts with ease!

How A Blog Will Help You Get Clients

Having a consistent, high-value blogging strategy is a great way to help you sign new clients.

A holistic health coach blog helps convert leads to clients by:

  • Building Authority and Trust: Sharing your knowledge and passion on your blog positions you as an authority in your field, and gives ideal clients a glimpse into what it would be like to work with you.

  • Becoming a Valuable Resource: Your blog has the potential to make you a go-to expert for your ideal client by offering them information, inspiration, and solutions to their health challenges that will have them wanting to know more by working with you.

  • Increased Traffic to Your Website: The best holistic nutrition blog is one that is search engine optimized (SEO) to help drive more traffic to your website, increasing your audience and your conversion rate. 

One question I get a lot is, “does blogging work better for converting leads than social media?”

And I wouldn’t say blogging is better than social media, but it’s definitely different. 

Here’s how blogging is different than social media:

  • Blogging provides a platform for long-post, in-depth content that you aren’t able to provide on social media.

  • Unlike social media which is subject to changes in the algorithm, your blog is a valuable asset that you own and control.

  • A blog with proper search engine optimization (SEO) improves your search engine rankings and makes it easier for your ideal client to find you online in a way that isn’t possible with social media. 

When it comes to comparing blogging to other marketing strategies, such as advertising, blogging offers several pros and cons:


  • Blogging is relatively inexpensive and can be done on your own time

  • Blogging allows you to build lasting relationships with your audience and establish yourself as an expert in your niche


  • Blogging requires consistent effort and it can take some time to see results

That being said, with the right approach and dedication, a health coach blog can be a highly effective tool for helping you sign more clients!

How To Promote Your Health Coach Blog Content

Once you’ve created some high-quality blog posts, you’ll want to make sure that you promote them effectively to help it reach the largest audience possible.

Here are 3 ways you can promote your blog posts successfully:

  1. Using social media to re-post and share your blog posts

  2. Collaborating with other health coaches to share your posts

  3. Taking advantage of search engine optimization (SEO) to drive more organic traffic to your blog

1. Using Social Media And Holistic Nutrition Websites

Social media platforms like Instagram and Facebook are great places to share your blog posts, especially if you already use these platforms regularly and have an established community. 

By sharing each time you publish a blog post, either on your feed or in your stories, you help reach a wider audience and your followers can re-share your blog post with their community, increasing your reach even more!

You may even want to consider promoting your blog post on forums or other nutrition websites where your target audience may be more likely to see them.

2. Collaborating with Other Health Coaches

Collaborating with other health coaches is another blog marketing strategy you can try! 

Guest posting on another natural nutrition blog can help get more eyeballs on your content and help you build strong professional relationships with other practitioners in the wellness space.

Likewise, inviting colleagues to post on your blog helps increase your website’s authority with search engines and can bring in new ideal clients!

You can also ask your colleagues to share your blog posts with their community if the post will provide extra value on a topic.

3. Taking Advantage of Search Engine Optimization

My favourite way to promote blog posts is by making sure they’re optimized for search engines! This step is crucial for boosting your post’s visibility, reaching a wider audience, and ranking first on Google!

Creating a search engine optimized blog post involves:

  • Doing some initial keyword research to figure out the words and phrases your ideal client is searching for

  • Choosing blog topics with popular keywords

  • Using these keywords in your headers, text, meta descriptions, and alt image text

Once your blog posts are fully optimized, all you have to do is sit back and let it work its magic. If you’ve done everything right, your ideal client will find your posts over time!

I highly encourage you to start your health coach blog right away! 

Whether you’re a ‘good writer’ or not, by understanding your target audience, creating high-quality content, and promoting your blog effectively, you can be sure to position yourself as a trusted resource, attract new clients, and have them knocking down your door to work with you!


Create A Health Coach Blog With Ease

Inside the ‘Getting Clients’ module of my online course, Launch Your Nutrition Biz, I’ll teach you exactly how to consistently write blog posts that get you listed first on Google, including: 

  • How to choose your blog topic

  • Strategies for SEO keyword research

  • Outlining your blog post

  • How to write your blog post

  • How to post your blog post

  • Creating blog post pins for Pinterest 

  • Marketing your blog post

So if you’re ready to begin your blogging journey and start attracting your ideal clients to your website, then join us inside!

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