Why Hiring A General Business Coach for Health Coaches Is A Bad Idea

business coach helping health coaches

If you’ve found your way to this blog post, I’m going to guess that you’re looking for support starting your nutrition business and are looking for a business coach to help you do just that!

I always applaud people for seeking out help when they need it, and when it comes to growing your nutrition business, having a Business Coach for Health Coaches is an invaluable tool!

However, not all business coaches and mentors are created equal.

Whereas a wellness business coach will be able to support you with all aspects of your business, from business foundations to niche-specific problems, a general business coach often lacks the specialized knowledge and experience needed to truly understand how the nutrition industry works, the complexities of your niche, and the needs of your ideal client.

This means that they’re typically unable to help you achieve your unique business goals and really help propel your business forward.

In this blog post, I’ll share with you why hiring a general business coach for health coaches is a bad idea, and why you should invest in a specialized business coach instead!

If you’re looking for a business coach with experience, check out my Business Coaching Programs. After growing my own successful nutrition business, I’ve now worked 1-1 with hundreds of Nutritionists to help them start and grow their own successful nutrition business!

The workspace of a business coach for health coaches, including a laptop, smartphone, 2 pens, and a sticky-note pad

Understanding the Unique Needs of Health Coaches

As a health coach, I don’t have to tell you that you operate in a highly specialized field, often dealing with complex issues related to nutrition, wellness, and client health. 

Your needs as a health coach and nutritionist are unique compared to other industries, and it’s important that your business coach understands these complexities!

One crucial aspect of health coaching that I talk about a lot with my clients and students is health coach niches and the importance of niching down in your business. 

Whether it’s weight loss, sports nutrition, or gut health, niching down allows you to become an expert in your field and target a specific ideal client. 

The same goes for business coaches! 

You are not the ideal client of a general business coach, and they might struggle to understand the specifics of running a nutrition business and lack the industry-specific knowledge needed to provide you with tailored advice. 

Some examples of unique challenges that health coaches face that a general business coach may not understand include:

  • Client Sensitivity: As a health coach, you might deal with clients struggling with personal health issues or facing significant lifestyle changes. A general business coach may not have the empathy or understanding required to help you navigate these sensitive situations effectively.

  • Regulatory Compliance: A general business coach may not be familiar with the regulations and guidelines you must adhere to as a health coach, such as food safety, health claims, and professional conduct, which has the potential for legal risks for you.

  • Building Trust: Establishing trust with clients is so important in the health coaching field. A general business coach may lack an understanding of health-related issues necessary to help you build strong client relationships.

When it comes to understanding your unique needs, a Business Coach for Health Coaches is a better fit than a general business coach!

Specialized Knowledge and Experience

When it comes to getting support in your business, you’ll want to make sure that the business coach you choose has specialized knowledge and experience in the field of health and nutrition. 

While a general business coach can give you advice about running a business in general, such as foundational and financial knowledge, they may lack the ability to provide you with the specialized tips and tricks you need to address the unique challenges faced by health coaches. 

A business coach for wellness coaches has an upper hand on general business coaches because they understand the health and wellness industry inside out, from the latest trends and research to the regulatory rules you need to follow. 

This understanding allows them to give you targeted advice and strategies that are tailored to your business needs! 

Some of the specialized areas a business health coach can offer guidance on include:

  • Marketing: They can offer you advice on which marketing strategies work best in the health and wellness space and help you leverage social media to reach your ideal client

  • Signing Clients: They can help you convert leads into clients with tailored lead generation and discovery call strategies

  • Program Development: They can help you create your nutrition program packages to offer the most value and meet the needs of your ideal client

  • Setting Prices: They can give you advice on setting your prices to make your services affordable for your ideal client, yet also bring in the most revenue for you

  • Business Operations: They can work with you to streamline your day-to-day business operations and develop a business plan to help you reach your goals

The specialized knowledge and expertise that a business coach for health coaches has is a huge added benefit to you and your business, and allows you to avoid any pitfalls you may experience by working with a general business coach. 


Tailored Strategies for Health Coaching Businesses

A Business Coach for Health Coaches understands the unique challenges and opportunities faced by health coaches, and can support you in developing customized business plans and strategies that align with your specific goals in a way that a general business coach is not able to do. 

Specifically, a business coach for wellness coaches can help you:

  • Find your specialty and niche down

  • Define your ideal client based on your niche

  • Create a brand identity that your ideal client can resonate with

  • Develop effective marketing strategies

  • Create engaging and educational content

  • Build a strong relationship with your audience

That being said, one of the most important, tailored strategies a health business coach can provide is support with developing a must-have program or package of sessions.  

Your program or packages should be designed to solve the problem of your ideal client and provide as much value as possible.

A health business coach can help you determine your programs and packages, including:

  • Appropriate pricing 

  • Program structure and deliverables

  • Delivery format

  • Sales materials

  • Marketing processes

  • Discovery call strategies

Another tailored aspect that a business coach for health professionals offers is understanding the regulatory and ethical considerations in health coaching and being able to provide invaluable guidance on this subject.

A general business coach is not able to help you navigate the regulations you need to be aware of, or help you maintain ethical standards and protect your reputation the way a wellness business coach can. 

By working with a health coach business coach, you can ensure that your business is both successful and ethical.

Building a Sustainable Health Coaching Practice

Working with a health business coach can provide long-term benefits beyond getting your business up and running, and can help you scale and build a sustainable health coaching practice!

A specialized coach can help you develop a sustainable business plan in a way that a general business coach, who doesn’t have knowledge or expertise in the health and wellness industry can’t, and their guidance will allow you to continue to grow even in the ever-changing health and wellness industry. 

By understanding the uniqueness of the wellness space, a wellness business coach can also provide tailored strategies for branding, marketing, and signing clients!

Business branding is important for establishing yourself as a health coach and for attracting new clients. You want your ideal client to see your content and instantly know that it was you and your brand that created it. 

A wellness business coach can help you develop:

  • A compelling brand message that your ideal clients will resonate with

  • A professional, branded, easy-to-navigate website

  • Social media content using your brand voice to reach your ideal client

Your brand helps to position you as an expert in your field, and a specialized coach is exactly what you need to nail down your branding. 

While branding is important, it won’t get you very far without a solid marketing strategy. Marketing is crucial for generating leads and converting them into paying clients.

A Business Coach for Health Coaches can support you in designing effective marketing strategies for:

  • Social media

  • Email marketing

  • Blogging

They can also provide guidance on how to sign new clients, including sales techniques, networking, and building relationships with referral partners.

Finally, to achieve long-term success in the health and wellness industry, it's important to always be willing to adapt and evolve in your practice.

A health business coach can help you stay up-to-date on industry trends, suggest new opportunities, and develop strategies for growth. They can also provide guidance on building a team and scaling your business, when you’re ready to grow! 

By working with a specialized business coach, you can lay the foundation for a sustainable and thriving health coaching practice.

The Cost That General Advice Could Have On Your Business

Working with a general business coach, and following advice that is not tailored to the health and wellness industry and your specific business and niche, can pose risks to your business. 

You may find that you’re implementing generic business strategies that are not effective in the health and wellness space, leading to wasted time, wasted resources, and financial and reputational loss.

The potential financial loss is one of the most significant risks of working with a general business coach. 

If you’re implementing marketing strategies, sales techniques, or a business plan that does not align with your specific needs as a health coach, you may see a low return on investment, not to mention decreased revenue if you’re unable to sign new clients, reduced profitability, and ultimately, financial difficulties in general. 

These ineffective strategies can also cause your reputation as a health coach to take a hit. 

If you’re struggling to grow your audience or get your content in front of your ideal client, or if your audience and clients are not satisfied with the value they receive and the quality of your services, they will be more likely to leave and not recommend your services to friends and family, damaging your reputation and making it more difficult to sign new clients.

So what can you do instead?

  • Work With A Business Coach For Health Professionals: A Business Coach for Health Coaches will have expert knowledge not only in the health and wellness industry, but in how to sign new clients, and run and grow your business for ultimate success.

  • Seek Out Mentorship Programs: Connect with experienced health coaches who have built a successful coaching business and can offer valuable insights and mentorship

  • Join Associations or Networking Groups: Connect with other professionals in your coaching association and network with them to gain business insights you may not have thought of

  • Online Courses: My online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz is a low-cost and effective alternative to 1-1 business coaching, and will provide industry-specific advice and strategies to start your business and sign your first paying clients. 

By exploring some of these options, you can avoid the costs and risks that general business advice could have on your business!

If you’re considering hiring a business coach, I highly recommend steering away from hiring someone who does not specifically work with health and wellness professionals.

While a general business coach may seem like a good option, investing in a Business Coach for Health Coaches is ultimately the most effective way to build and scale your practice!

By working with a coach who understands the wellness industry and your specific business needs as a health coach, you will receive tailored advice and be able to build a sustainable and reach your long-term goals. 

Remember, when it comes to your business, investing in specialized business advice is an investment in your and your clients’ success! 


Get 1-1 Business Coaching Support

When I first started my own nutrition business back in 2014, I felt overwhelmed with everything on my to-do list! There were SO many things that I needed to put into place to launch my business.

It took me more than a year to get my business up and running because I didn’t have any support or mentorship on how to start my business.

After finally launching my own business and figuring out how to sign clients consistently, I had nutrition colleagues asking me for help with launching their own business.

Since 2017, I have been supporting Nutritionists and Health Coaches 1-1 inside my Business Coaching Programs and also inside my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz.

I’ve worked with over 500 Nutritionists to help them start their nutrition business and sign nutrition clients. I’d love to help you do the same!

Here are 4 ways I can support you in your nutrition business:

Are you ready to get specialized advice and guidance from a Business Coach for Health Coaches who has been in your shoes and knows exactly what you need? Learn more here!

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