6 Things You Don’t Need To Become A Successful Nutrition Business

A nutritionist sitting with her computer at a desk. The image conveys the idea that being a successful nutrition business doesn't require excessive stress or workload.

Your big dream is to have a successful nutrition business! In that dream, you might picture yourself with tens of thousands of social media followers, a high-quality website and beautiful branding, group programs, online courses and digital products, the best software tools available and a huge marketing budget.

What if I told you that while these things are amazing and can definitely be helpful in your business, but you don’t actually need any of them to be successful?

It’s true! Let me tell you why this is important for you as a holistic nutrition specialist.

When you’re first starting your nutrition business and have a big, long list of goals to achieve, it can cause you to feel overwhelmed, stressed, and burnt out.

You feel like you need to have every single piece perfectly in place to start your business, which may even stop you from starting your nutrition business in the first place! Trust me, I’ve seen it happen. 

Like every holistic nutrition wellness practitioner I’ve worked with, I know you have it in you to create a successful nutrition business. 

So let’s take it slow, and break down 6 things you don’t need (at least when first starting your business) to become successful!

If you need step-by-step support starting your nutrition business without the overwhelm, then check out my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz!

Inside Launch Your Nutrition Biz, you’ll get lifetime access to:

  • A roadmap of 13 modules and lessons to teach you everything you need to know to start your nutrition business

  • Workbooks and handouts to help you plan out your business 

  • Easy-to-customize templates to make client work a breeze

  • Tech tutorials to take the guesswork out of how to use new-to-you software

  • 6 guest expert trainings to boost your knowledge about business

  • A private podcast feed so you can listen to the course content from anywhere at anytime

  • A private student Facebook community to connect with other nutritionists and ask all your questions!

Ready to start your nutrition business and sign your first paying clients? Learn more about Launch Your Nutrition Biz!


1.A Massive Social Media Following

The first thing many nutritionists think they need to have a successful nutrition business is a large social media following. I’m talking 10,000+ followers. 

And while it would be amazing to have a community that large, a massive following does not necessarily equate to success, especially if the majority of this audience isn’t engaging with your content or signing up to work with you. 

In this case, the quality of your followers is more important than the quantity. 

A smaller, more targeted following that is genuinely interested in your content and offerings is going to be much more valuable to you than having a large audience for vanity metrics.

Here are some tips to build a quality following of ideal clients:

  • Build Relationships: Posting valuable content, responding to questions, and engaging in meaningful conversations in your DM’s will help you create a loyal community and drive your business forward.

  • Niche Down: I will never stop encouraging this! Niching down allows you to identify your ideal client’s problems and goals, come up with the perfect solution just for them, and create content that speaks directly to their pain points, helping you resonate with them on a deeper level and build trust. Not sure how to niche down? Check out my blog post How to Find Your Niche in Your Nutrition Business

  • Collaborate with Other Nutritionists: Collaborating with professionals in a complementary niche expands your reach to a new audience and creates more value for your ideal clients. Look for opportunities to be a guest on a podcast, host a joint webinar, or guest post on social media. 

Focus on building your social media foundation with valuable content, quality engagement, and meaningful connections, and watch your nutrition business (and social media following) soar!

2. Fancy Website or Branding

Another thing many nutritionists and health coaches think they need in order to have a successful nutrition business is a perfect website and professional branding. 

If you’re like most nutritionists (me included!) you were thinking about your website and branding while doing your nutrition training, even before starting your business.

And I get it! It’s fun to come up with your branding, and having a professional website makes you feel good! 

But designing a website and branding from scratch on your own can be time-consuming! And having a professional design them for you is expensive! Your time and money are better spent elsewhere in your business early on.

So what should you focus on instead?

  • Focus On Functionality: Make sure your website is easy to navigate and clearly conveys who you help and how you help them.

  • Prioritize User Experience: Ensure that people coming to your website can easily find the information they need, like your services, testimonials, and blog posts. 

  • Make Use of Visual Content: Photos and videos can make your website more engaging. Use them to show how you help clients, before-and-after photos, and sneak peeks inside your program. 

  • Nail Your SEO: Use relevant keywords on your webpages to ensure you get found on Google! I recommend using UberSuggest to help you with keyword research. 

  • Be Consistent: Choose branding colours that truly represent you and the vibe of your business, and be consistent with using them throughout your website and social media content!

A simple, functional website and consistent branding are all you need to be successful in your nutrition business! 

Need help with creating your website? Inside the “Creating Your Website” module in my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz, I give you a step-by-step tech tutorial that walks you through exactly how to create your own beautiful Squarespace website!


3. A Huge Marketing Budget

Starting a nutrition business doesn't require a hefty marketing budget to succeed!

While traditional advertising like printing 100’s of business cards, putting up posters, and running ads can be expensive, there are numerous cost-effective strategies to reach your audience when you’re first starting your nutrition business.

Here are a few cost-effective ways to market your nutrition business:

  • Leveraging social media platforms is a great way to connect with potential clients without breaking the bank. Create engaging content, share valuable information, and interact with your followers to build a loyal community.

  • Content marketing, such as blogging or creating educational videos, can position you as an expert in your field and attract organic traffic.

  • Networking is another powerful tool for building your business. Attend industry events, join relevant groups, and connect with other professionals in your field.

  • Referrals from satisfied clients can be incredibly valuable and often cost nothing.

By focusing on these strategies, you can effectively market your nutrition business without spending too much money!

4. Many Different Offerings

I know you’re probably thinking that you need a ton of health coaching program ideas and offerings in your nutrition business to get as many clients as possible and have options for everyone. 

Everything from one-on-one nutrition coaching, a group program, an online course, digital products, and corporate services like employee wellness and offering to be a nutrition speaker. 

I’m sure after reading all of that, your brain is frazzled! Well, that’s how your ideal clients feel when you offer too many services!

Having too many options can be overwhelming and confusing for people, and make it hard for them to know which service is right for them. Sometimes, they might just give up completely and look elsewhere for help. 

Instead, start by focusing on one core offering to help position yourself as an expert in your niche and build your reputation before you branch out into offering different services. 

Here are some things you can try:

  • Identify Your Unique Selling Proposition (USP): Your USP is what makes you unique and sets you apart from other nutritionists in the industry. Identifying your USP allows you to clearly show who you help and how you help, which helps attract your ideal clients. 

  • Start Small: There’s no need to have everything figured out right away. Start with a solid foundation and grow your offerings based on customer demand.

  • Offer Complementary Products and Services: Once you decide to branch out and have more offerings, make sure they’re directly related to your core service. This provides your clients with added value without being overwhelming!

Always put yourself in your client’s shoes and think about how they are experiencing your social media content, website, and options to work with you. If it seems confusing to you, it probably is for them too!

Start with one amazing core service and branch out when you feel that you and your audience are ready for it.

5. Fancy Practice Management Software

Have you looked into practice management software with all the bells and whistles for your nutrition business and felt overwhelmed with the price point before you’ve made any income in your business?

Although an all-in-one practice management software can save you time, energy and money in the long run, there are a few ways to save some pennies with your tech when you’re first getting started!

  • Online Calendars and Scheduling Tools: Digital calendars like Google Calendar are great for managing your schedule and booking clients

  • Spreadsheets: Spreadsheet software, like Google Sheets, allows you to keep track of client information and notes from client sessions

  • Online Payment: Payment platforms such as Stripe or Square are great tools to use for collecting payment. You can also opt to offer an e-transfer option

  • Communication Apps: To communicate with your clients between sessions, try using an app like Slack. This allows you to communicate with your clients without giving out your personal phone number or information

If you’d rather have everything in one place, so that you’re not jumping from platform to platform to manage your business, I highly recommend using the client management platform Practice Better.

Practice Better allows you to schedule clients, accept payment, send forms, run your client sessions, and communicate with your clients, all in one platform!

Practice Better has a free plan called Sprout which you can get started with or upgrade to the paid plan when you need more features (save 20% on your first 4 months with code STEPHANIELONG in the checkout)

Learn more about Practice Better here

6. A Degree in Business

Did you know that a lot of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs don’t even have an undergraduate education? Some didn’t even finish highschool!

I know it’s common to assume that business success can’t come without a business degree. But in the nutrition industry, it’s not necessary!

By combining your passion for nutrition with your willingness to learn, and truly understanding your clients’ needs and establishing yourself as an expert in your niche, you can absolutely have an extremely successful holistic health coach career with just your nutrition education!

Here are things you can do without a degree in business to be successful as a women’s holistic health coach:

  • Build Your Network: Try joining a networking group, online or locally, to help you connect with other nutrition professionals. These groups provide opportunities for collaboration and networking, but are also amazing spaces to learn about business. 

  • Continue to Learn and Grow: Most nutrition programs don’t have a business component. But that’s okay! There are plenty of business courses you can take to further your knowledge. Check out my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz, the only business course developed for nutritionists, by a nutritionist!

  • Seek Out a Mentor or Business Coach: A mentor or business coach can help you navigate the trials of entrepreneurship and offer advice based on their own personal experiences of running a business. They can also guide you in decision-making and give you a fresh perspective on your business. Check out my 1-1 Business Coaching Programs here.

Remember that success comes from more than just education! You’re more than capable of running your nutrition business, and with experience, you’ll only get better and better at it!

Do many successful nutritionists and health coaches have these 6 things in place in their business? Absolutely.

But the important thing to remember is that you don’t need them to be successful. 

Don’t let your lack of a social media following, fancy website and branding, number of offerings, fancy practice management system, or business degree stop you from starting and growing your nutrition business. 

I know you have it in you to do great things in your business and help a ton of people with your expertise! Now get out there and start changing lives!


Launch A Successful Nutrition Business With Launch Your Nutrition Biz

If you truly want to grow a successful nutrition business, then check out my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz!

Inside the course, you’ll learn all the skills you need to start your nutrition business and sign your first paying clients, including:

  • Entrepreneurial skills (hint: you won’t learn this in nutrition school)

  • Business fundamentals

  • How to choose your niche

  • Tips for working with clients

  • Choosing and creating your programs

  • Starting your email list and creating an irresistible freebie

  • Creating your website

  • How to get your first clients

  • Launching your business in 30 days!

Are you ready to stop feeling overwhelmed in your nutrition business and start gaining the confidence and skills you need to have a successful nutrition business? Join now!

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