Why You Might Not Be Making Progress in Your Nutrition Business

When it comes to your nutrition business, there are SO many things to think about when you’re just getting started.

You might feel like some days you have everything under control and are making a ton of progress, and other days where you’re just trying to keep your head above water to get all of the behind-the-scenes work done.

Building a business is a marathon that requires time, patience and consistency to grow.

That being said, there might be a few reasons why you’re not making more progress in your business right now, that you didn’t even realize were making a big impact.

Here are 9 mistakes that you might be making in your nutrition business right now.

1. You’re trying to make everything perfect

One of the most common traits that I see in almost all of the nutritionists that I work with inside my programs and courses is perfectionism.

Most of us struggle with putting out social media posts, blog posts, or client work that is anything less than perfect.

We spend hours obsessing over small details and oftentimes talk ourselves out of putting something out there because it doesn’t meet our standards.

Something you need to learn that will positively impact your nutrition business is to commit to putting out version one of everything you’re creating. You’re not always going to get everything perfect, and that’s ok because no one (not even your clients!) are expecting perfection from you.

Know that your version one is good enough, and you can always go back and make changes and tweaks to things as you grow your business!

2. You’re not spending time showing up and being visible

It’s so easy to spend so much time working behind-the-scenes on your business that you end up forgetting (or not having enough time to) put yourself out there infront of your community.

That being said, it can also feel pretty nerve-wracking to have to go on video and start showing your face when you might not be used to being in the limelight in your regular life!

Being visible and putting yourself out there is a big piece in the puzzle of starting and growing a successful nutrition business. If you’re not putting yourself out there, no one will know who you are or how you can help them.

One thing that personally helped me in getting more visible in my business is to remember that I’m here to be in service of people who need my support. This means that I need to set my ego aside and show up for those that desperately need my help right now.

3. You care too much about how things look

One thing you might be doing right now is fixating too much on small details in your business.

This can often look like spending too much time trying to find the perfect Canva templates, playing around with brand colours, tweaking your website over and over or obsessing over the look of your social media feed.

Although having a nicely branded business is important, it’s only one small detail in the bigger picture of your nutrition business.

One way I personally like to overcome the judgement that my social media feed might not be “asthetic” enough is making sure that the content I’m putting out is of high-value to my community.

4. You’re not being clear about what you do

How many times have you found yourself in the position where someone asks you "so what do you do?” and not feeling like you have a clear, confident answer for them? You’re not alone!

Knowing how to clearly explain and communicate what you do as a nutritionist is so important to help you build trust with your potential clients. If you yourself don’t clearly know what you do, how can you expect someone else to invest in you and your services?

The first step you can take to become more clear about what you do is to define your nutrition niche.

5. You’re not letting people know they can work with you

A big hang-up I see a lot of nutritionists struggling with is sales and not wanting to promote yourself and what you do.

You worry that people will get frustrated or annoyed when you spend time talking about your new nutrition program, that you essentially only share once or twice about it so you don’t rock the boat.

Did you know that people typically need to see something up to 7+ times before they decide to join a program or make a purchase?

This means that you could have the perfect nutrition program in place, but if you’re not consistently sharing this with your community on an on-going basis, you might miss out on working with those potential clients.

6. You’re only offering one-off nutrition sessions

It’s so common for new nutritionists to start out with offering one-off nutrition sessions to their clients, because for most of us this is the format we learnt in school!

There are 2 main reasons that I don’t recommend only offering one-off nutrition sessions:

1. It’s going to take your clients a lot longer then one session to get the support and recommendations they need to reach their health and wellness goals.

2. You’re going to have to book in a TON of new clients consistently to make any significant amounts of money or progress in your nutrition business.

Consider creating longer nutrition programs or a signature nutrition program that will give you the time needed to support your nutrition client and give you the opportunity to price accordingly too.

7. You’re not working on your business & marketing skills

Something that I love to remind my nutrition clients and students of is that you’re not only a nutritionist - you’re a business owner too!

Just like how you went to nutrition school to become a nutrition expert, you’re going to need to learn about business & marketing to become an expert at it, too.

Honing your business & marketing skills are a non-negotiable when running a nutrition business. Unless you decide early on to outsource all of your marketing and sales, you’re going to need to wrap your head around some basic marketing skills to reach more people.

Need some help with your business and marketing skills? This is exactly what I cover inside my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz!

8. You’re acting like your business is a “hobby”

It can be so easy to treat your business like a hobby when you’re first getting started. The thing is, when you treat it like a hobby, you’re doing it a disservice because you’re likely not putting in the time or effort that the business requires to be successful.

Just like a plant needs water to grow, your nutrition business needs time, energy and consistency to help bring it to the next level.

If you find that your friends or family are the ones that see your business as a hobby, be sure to clearly communicate with them how important your business is to you and set boundaries around how much time you need to work on your business.

9. You’re not investing into your nutrition business

When you first get started in your nutrition business, it can be easy to spend time searching for free resources or using Google to answer all of your business questions.

Similar to how you’re asking your nutrition clients to invest in themselves and their goals, you need to invest in yourself and your goals too!

It can be hard to want to spend money and invest in your business when you haven’t yet brought in any significant income yet. But oftentimes investing early and getting support with the building blocks of your business can set you up for more financial success in the future.

Consider investing in programs, platforms, courses and mentors that will bring you a good return on investment (ROI).

Click here for a list of my favourite business tools for your nutrition business

Ready to finally make progress in your nutrition business?

Being aware of the 9 common mistakes that most nutritionists make when starting their business can help you overcome any obstacles and start making process right now.

Inside my online course Launch Your Nutrition Biz, you’ll get all of the trainings, templates, tutorials and tools that you need to launch your own successful nutrition business and sign your first paying clients!


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