Creating an Engaging Instagram Bio


Welcome to the first episode of 2020! Get ready for a year of actionable episodes that are going to help you sky-rocket your nutrition business. 

In this episode, Stephanie is leading you through a mini-training on how to make an engaging Instagram bio. From your photo, to your name, to the links you're sharing, each element plays a big role in getting your ideal clients to follow you!

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How your current photo might be making or breaking your bio

  • Why you need to optimize your name field to increase follows

  • Strategies for writing an engaging bio

  • How to set up the 4 most important IG highlights

This episode is for you if you've been wanting to improve your Instagram game and create a profile that attracts clients!

Links and resources mentioned:

Follow Stephanie on Instagram at to see how she’s optimized her own IG bio.

Watch Stephanie’s free workshop 6 Steps to Start Your Nutrition Business & Sign Your First Paying Clients

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