Taking Risks & Overcoming Fear with Rachel Molenda


Do you feel like fear is stopping you from moving forward in your business?

Wondering what is going to set you apart from everybody else in the industry?

Get ready for an inspiring, real-life conversation with Intuitive Eating Nutritionist, Rachel Molenda!

In this episode, Stephanie and Rachel discuss the progression of starting your nutrition business and the steps that Rachel took to find her own way in this ever-growing and changing industry. Rachel shares how after 3 years of supporting the Joyous Health team, she is ready to go full-time in her own nutrition business and carve her own path forward.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How to overcome the fear of getting started

  • Why it’s essential to trust in the process along the way

  • How being yourself will set you apart from the crowd

  • Why you need to be taking risks and making pivots in your business

This episode is a must-listen if you’d like a big dose of inspiration and motivation to keep on building that dream of yours!

Links and resources mentioned:

Fill Your Cup Podcast

Rachel's Intuitive Eating Program

Follow Rachel on Instagram

Watch Stephanie’s free workshop 6 Steps to Start Your Nutrition Business & Sign Your First Paying Clients

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How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome


Organizing Your Nutrition Business with Practice Better CEO Nathalie Garcia