How to Transition Your 1-1 Program to a 1-Many Program with Julie Ralston


Do you feel like you’ve hit a wall with how many 1-1 nutrition clients you can take on?

Been feeling like it’s time to start offering a group or online program?

In this episode, Stephanie is talking to Julie Ralston from Jules Design, about how to know when you’re ready to scale your business to offer more than just 1-1 coaching services. 

Julie shares the steps that you need to take to get clear on who your audience is so that you can create a framework for your new offering. 

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • Why you should be scaling to a 1-many offering

  • Why getting clear on your niche is #1

  • How to get started with creating your new offering

If you’ve heard yourself saying that you need more time in the day, need to be making more money, or want to be making a bigger impact with your work, this episode is for you! 

Links and resources mentioned:

Connect with Julie

Signature Program Roadmap

Watch Stephanie’s free workshop 6 Steps to Start Your Nutrition Business & Sign Your First Paying Clients

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