How to Grow a Wildly Successful Nutrition Business with Joyous Health

Ever wondered what it takes to grow a wildly successful nutrition business and brand? You’re in luck!

In this episode, Stephanie is talking with award-winning  Holistic Nutritionist and Cookbook Author Joy McCarthy from Joyous Health, all about how she started and grew her incredibly successful nutrition business.

Joy shares the behind-the-scenes of how she got started in her business and how her background in Marketing was a huge asset to building her business and brand. Joy also shares how it wasn’t natural for her to be in front of an audience and camera, but how she was able to overcome these fears to bring her business to the next level.

This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • The first steps Joy took to start her nutrition business

  • Where she focused her time and efforts in the beginning stages

  • How she was able to get comfortable in-front of an audience and on camera

  • How she transitioned out of working 1-1 with clients

  • Where the Joyous Health brand is focusing their energy these days

Links and resources mentioned:

Learn more about Joy on her website Joyous Health

Check out the Joyous Health Business Program

Watch Stephanie’s free workshop 6 Steps to Start Your Nutrition Business & Sign Your First Paying Clients

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