Feeling Stuck or Uninspired with Ashley Srokosz

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What do you do when you don’t know how to move forward in your business?

In this episode, Stephanie is talking with long-time podcast guest Ashley Srokosz, Branding, Website & Marketing Expert, all about what to do when you’re feeling stuck or uninspired in your business. After having 10+ years of her own business experience under her belt, Ashley shares what she’s learnt about periods of feeling stuck in her own business and how she moved forward through each phase.

Ashley also shares one of her main recommendations for what to do when you’re feeling stuck or uninspired and why it might not be what you think!

In today’s episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Ashley moves through periods of stuck-ness in her own business

  • Recommendations on what to do when you’re feeling stuck or uninspired

  • How to rest and fill your own cup first when you’re feeling off

  • Why business isn’t a race and what to focus on instead

Links and resources mentioned:

Listen in to Ashley on past episodes of the Next Level Nutrition Biz podcast

Check out Ashley’s blog with over 50+ super helpful blog posts

Learn more about Ashley’s program Audience Authority

Join Launch Your Nutrition Biz online program

Work with Stephanie 1-1 or in a 2-Hour Intensive

Watch Stephanie’s free workshop 6 Steps to Start Your Nutrition Business & Sign Your First Paying Clients

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