Making $50k from Online Workshops with Amanda from Raw Fitness and Nutrition
In this episode, Stephanie is talking with her past client Amanda Carneiro, Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner and Personal Trainer of Raw Fitness and Nutrition. Amanda shares how she’s been able to make $50k through her two online workshops in under a year!
Amanda brings us through the process she took with coming up with the main idea for her workshops, getting input and feedback from her audience, and finally marketing her workshops and selling spots to her ideal clients.
In today’s episode, you’ll learn:
How she knew she had to pivot from only offering 1-1 services
How she came up with both ideas for her workshops
The different ways she polled her audience and got feedback
How she pre-sold the workshop before even creating it
How she continues to market and sell spots on evergreen
Links and resources mentioned:
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